Selasa 17 Dec 2013 16:30 WIB

Indonesian rowers look mighty

Rep: Satria Kartika Yudha/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Upacara pembukaan SEA Games ke-27 di Wunna Theikdi Sport Stadium, Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Rabu (11/12).  (Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto)
Upacara pembukaan SEA Games ke-27 di Wunna Theikdi Sport Stadium, Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Rabu (11/12). (Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NAYPYITAW - Indonesian rowers look mighty at final SEA Games 2013 that took place at Ngalike Dam, Naypyitaw, Myanmar on Monday. Red and White teams won three gold medals of total of five numbers are contested.

Wahyuni and Maryam Makdalena pair grabbed gold after being the fastest on LW2x category - two female rowers with two pairs of oars. Wahyuni and Makdalena went through 2,000 meters with time of 7 minutes and 46.42 seconds. They defeated Vietnamese pair, Thi Thao Pham and Thi Hai Pham who won silver medal with time of 7 minutes and 47.92 seconds.

Indonesia's very proud victory managed to beat dream of Myanmar rowers, Than Than We and Shwe Zin Latt as defending champion. Myanmar only got bronze with time of 7 minutes and 50.88 seconds.

Indonesia's success continues in two other men categories. Ihram and Muhammad Yakin also got gold after recording the fastest time of 7 minutes and 77.42 seconds in LM2x category - two male rowers with two pairs of oars. The third gold medal was given by Jamaluddin, Mochammad Alidartalakiki, Arief and Thomas Hallatu in LM4 category - four men rowers with four oars.

Indonesia's coach, Dede Rochmat was very happy as Indonesia has managed to meet the target. Rowing team only targeted three golds based on achievement of 2011 SEA Games in Indonesia. Two years ago, there were 11 categories and Indonesia got three golds.

"Now, there are nine categories and Indonesia has gotten three golds," Rochmat.

On Tuesday, there are four more categories that will be contested. Rochmat hopes to add more gold of rowing team. Although the target has been reached, it will be better if Indonesia can exceed the target.

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