Rabu 18 Dec 2013 07:37 WIB

Shooting at Reno medical center leaves two dead, two wounded

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ilustrasi pistol
Foto: AP
Ilustrasi pistol

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEVADA -- A gunman opened fire inside a United States' Nevada medical office on Tuesday afternoon, killing one person and wounded two others before killing himself, officials said.

The gunman, who for a while was reported to be roaming through Reno’s Renown Medical Center, has been “neutralized,” the Nevada Emergency Management agency said on Twitter.

The Associated Press reported that the gunman killed himself after firing off several rounds in the Center for Advanced Medicine on the Renown Medical Center complex at about 2 p.m. local time on Tuesday.

“We have two people confirmed deceased in the building, two others injured,” Reno Police Department’s Deputy Chief Tom Robinson told reporters.

The precise status of the two others reported as injured was unclear, though Robinson said they were receiving treatment at Renown Medical Center.

The medical center remained on lockdown as officers investigated.

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