Senin 23 Dec 2013 17:57 WIB

Survey: Hatta most potential candidate for president among Islamic leaders

Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa (file photo)
Foto: Aditya Pradana Putra/Republika
Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A survey held on Dec 5 to 14 said that Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa led other potential presidential candidates from Islamic parties. Hatta is the general chairman of the moderate Islamic National Mandate Party (PAN), which currently joining the ruling Democratic Party in a coalition government. 

Around 11 percent of respondents, included in the survey by Indo Barometer, favored Hatta. He was followed by Yusril Ihza Mahendra of the Crescent and Star Party (PBB) with 6.6 percent and Muhaimin Iskandar of the Nation Awakening Party (PKB) 5.3 percent. Two other party leaders Suryadharma Ali of the United Development Party (PPP) and M Anis Matta of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) were each favored only by 0.7 percent of the respondents.

Around 45.5 percent of the respondents undecided and 22.5 percent did not answer. Indo Baromater said the survey followed growing calls on Islamic parties to form a coalition to present a presidential and vice presidential candidates in the forthcoming elections. 

The country will hold legislative elections in April next year to be followed with the presidential elections later. Bigger and nationalistic parties like Golkar, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Gerindra and the ruling party are expected each to have their own candidates. The past elections in this worlds largest Muslim nation have always been won by non-Islamic parties.

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