Kamis 06 Mar 2014 17:11 WIB

Sweden suspends some aid to Uganda over anti-gay law

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Presiden Uganda Yoweri Museveni
Presiden Uganda Yoweri Museveni

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KAMPALA -- Sweden has suspended some of its financial aid to Uganda over a law that toughened punishment for gays, becoming the fourth donor to do so.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed an anti-gay bill in late February that strengthens already strict laws against homosexuals by imposing a life sentence for certain violations and making it a crime to not report anyone who breaks the law.

"Swedish aid is not unconditional. The Government is therefore now choosing to suspend government-to-government payments still due under our current strategy for Uganda, with the exception of research cooperation," Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation Hillevi Engström, said in a statement late on Wednesday.

Sweden follows the World Bank, Norway and Denmark, who have withheld or diverted aid totalling about $110 million. The United States, the biggest Western donor, says it is reviewing ties.