Selasa 18 Mar 2014 09:02 WIB

France to lift on Tuesday ban on driving in Paris

Eiffel Tower in Paris, 2011 (file photo)
Foto: Reuters/Gonzalo Fuentes
Eiffel Tower in Paris, 2011 (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, The French government will lift from Tuesday the alternate driving restriction in Paris and suburbs, following forecasts showing an improvement in the air quality.

The decision was announced by French Ecology Minister Philippe Martin who told a press conference on Monday that Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has decided to lift the alternating traffic from Tuesday as forecasts showed that the air quality in France, especially in Ile-de-France, shall be improved.

"The vehicles can drive regardless of their registration plates from Monday midnight. Free public transport will be cancelled on Monday evening at the end of service," the minister said.

Last week, poor air quality and pollution hit a record level in the country's northern region, including Paris.

In response to the unfavorable air condition, France had since Friday started to provide free transportation to the public in several cities.

On Saturday, the government announced to set a system of "alternating traffic" in Paris and suburbs from Monday morning to limit vehicle use as pollution was expected to continue unabated through the weekend.

sumber : Antara/Xinhua/Oana
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