Rabu 09 Jul 2014 21:35 WIB

Israel keeps hitting Gaza, 41 dead in two days

People carry the body of a Palestinian boy whom hospital officials said was killed in an Israeli air strike on his family's house, in Gaza city July 9, 2014.
Foto: Reuters/Ashraf Amrah
People carry the body of a Palestinian boy whom hospital officials said was killed in an Israeli air strike on his family's house, in Gaza city July 9, 2014.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JERUSALEM - Israel stepped up its offensive on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip on Wednesday. Since the offensive began Tuesday, Israel has attacked at least 560 sites in Gaza, killing at least 41 people, the Israel's army said. More than 160 rockets fired at Israel.

"We will not stop. They'll first receive a hard blow from air and sea, and if a ground invasion is needed, there will be a ground invasion," said Israel's Minister of Internal Security, Yitzhak Aharonovitz.

Israel mobilized thousands of forces along the Gaza border ahead of a possible ground operation. Israeli leaders warned a ground invasion could be imminent.

"The army is ready for all possibilities," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after holding a meeting of his Security Cabinet. "Hamas will pay a heavy price for firing toward Israeli citizens. The security of Israel's citizens comes first. The operation will expand and continue until the fire toward our towns stops and quiet returns."

The fighting stepped up as Egypt, which often serves as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, said it was in contact with both sides to end the violence. It was the first indication since the offensive was launched on Tuesday that cease-fire efforts might be under way.

The offensive has set off the heaviest fighting between Israel and the Islamic militant group Hamas since an eight-day battle in November 2012. Israel says its aim is to quash Hamas' militant capabilities and to quell rocket fire.

"Despite the fact it will be hard, complicated and costly, we will have to take over Gaza temporarily, for a few weeks, to cut off the strengthening of this terror army," Yuval Steinitz, Israel's intelligence minister, told Israel Radio. "If you ask my humble opinion, a significant operation like this is approaching."

The government has authorized the army to activate up to 40,000 reservists for a ground operation. An Israeli government official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was discussing Israeli tactical strategy, said the reservists would be sent to the West Bank to allow active duty troops to amass near the Gaza border.

sumber : AP
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(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 136)

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