Selasa 07 Oct 2014 18:17 WIB

Sukhoi aircraft on standby to secure BDF VII

Indonesian Sukhoi jet fighters (file)
Indonesian Sukhoi jet fighters (file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR - At least four Sukhoi fighter aircraft are on standby at the Hasanuddin Airbase in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, to guard the airspace during Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) VII in Bali Province on October 10-11, 2014.

"The security arrangements for BDF VII will be strengthened by deploying four Sukhoi fighter aircrafts that will patrol the airspace," Commander of Ngurah Rai Airbase Colonel Sugiharto stated on Tuesday.

According to Sugiharto, the fighter aircraft are on standby at the Hasanuddin Airbase to patrol the Indonesian airspace and return back to base. Additionally, four F-16 fighter aircraft from the Iswahjudi Airbase in Madiun City of East Java Province will also patrol the area.

The Indonesian Air Force will also prepare two Hercules cargo aircraft each from Squadron 32 based at the Abdulrahman Saleh Airbase in Malang City, East Java Province, and Squadron 31 stationed at the Halim Perdana Kusumah Airbase in Jakarta.

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