Selasa 23 Dec 2014 03:35 WIB

WHO says Syria approves medicine deliveries to Aleppo, other areas

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A woman carries a child as she walks past a boy selling yogurt along a street in Aleppo's Bab al-Hadeed district December 10, 2014.
Foto: Reuters/Mahmoud Hebbo
A woman carries a child as she walks past a boy selling yogurt along a street in Aleppo's Bab al-Hadeed district December 10, 2014.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIRUT -- The Syrian government has approved the delivery of medicine and surgical supplies to three areas of the country aid workers were previously unable to reach regularly, including opposition-held Aleppo, the World Health Organization said on Monday.

All sides in Syria's three-year civil war have prevented medicine from crossing front lines fearing it could be used to help wounded enemy fighters. This has deprived trapped civilians from life-saving medical assistance.

Elizabeth Hoff, the WHO's Syria representative, told Reuters the government has now promised access to Aleppo, the besieged Damascus district of Mouadamiya, and Eastern Ghouta, outside the capital.

"It is something that we have been negotiating, after the constraints we've had, we have had top level meetings. There has been a willingness from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We see a positive outlook," Hoff said.