Jumat 09 Jan 2015 00:52 WIB

Minister: Indonesia’s diplomacy will be down-to-earth

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi stated that Indonesia's diplomacy would be down-to-earth. She said that Indonesia's diplomacy would be done to achieve President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo vision and Mission.

Jokowi aims to make Indonesia sovereign in its politics, independent in its economy, and distinct in its cultural character. "Indonesia’s diplomacy will be done to achieve those goals," Marsudi said during annual press statement on Thursday, January 8.

She also emphasized that Indonesia’s diplomacy would show its character as a maritime nation and would take advantage of its strategic position between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. "Indonesia’s diplomacy will serve the needs of the people. Indonesia’s diplomacy will be down-to-earth. And Indonesia’s diplomacy will be conducted in a firm and dignified manner," she said.

According to the vision and mission of President Jokowi, Indonesia’s foreign policy in the next five years will be based on three priorities. The first priority is maintaining Indonesia’s sovereignty. "Our diplomacy will protect the territorial sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia," she said.

Indonesia's international interactions will be based on the principle of mutual respect for each other’s territorial sovereignty. Indonesia will not tolerate any violation of those principles by other parties.

Government will also intensify border diplomacy in 2015. She said that government created a roadmap for border negotiations with a view to settling maritime borders. "The Government of Indonesia will also increase its presence in border areas," she said.

The second priority is enhancing the protection of Indonesian citizens and legal entities. "Protection of Indonesian citizens, including migrant workers, and legal entities will be further improved," she said.

She stated that Indonesia would only agree to send migrant workers if the country of destination had national legislation that guarantees the protection of foreign migrant workers, and/or Indonesia had a bilateral agreement with the country of destination country, which guaranteed the protection of Indonesian migrant workers.

"Strengthening the protection for Indonesian migrant workers will also be conducted at the regional level by, among others, promoting the establishment of a non-discriminatory ASEAN legal instrument for the protection of migrant workers," she said. The move is in line with ASEAN’s Vision to establish a caring community.

The third priority is intensifying economic diplomacy. "Regional and international cooperation in the fields of maritime infrastructure, energy, fishery and the protection of the marine environment will be intensified," she said.

At the bilateral level, maritime cooperation will also be developed within the strategic and comprehensive partnership frameworks with friendly countries. She stated that the Government of Indonesia was determined and committed to enforce laws and regulations in its seas to eradicate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. "Such illegal activities have been committed in Indonesian waters for far too long. To that end, illegal fishing must be stopped. Indonesia is ready to cooperate with other countries in eradicating IUU fishing," she said.

Indonesia’s economic diplomacy will also focus on efforts to accelerate infrastructure development and connectivity with foreign partners, such as the construction of deep-sea ports and the development of power plants.

In the field of trade, Indonesia will increase exports to non-traditional and untapped markets. "Indonesia will not tolerate discriminatory treatment of our commodities, which are often treated unfairly on the basis of false allegations, as in the case of crude palm oil," she said.

Government will continue attracting foreign investments to Indonesia. Government has committed to simplify the permit system and create a ‘one-stop service’ for investments. Government is finalizing a draft Bilateral Investment Treaty that will create a new regime for investment agreements between Indonesia and other countries.

Indonesia’s diplomacy will also aim at achieving independence in the food and energy sectors, especially new and renewable energy. Indonesian diplomats are expected to become “marketers” for Indonesia. To facilitate the follow-up of economic diplomacy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will form a “Task Force on Economic Diplomacy” to be coordinated by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. This unit will coordinate with related line ministries and institutions to ensure that business opportunities, development cooperation and economic agreements with other countries can be followed up effectively.

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