Rabu 14 Jan 2015 16:00 WIB

ADB lauds Indonesia's decision to cut oil fuel subsidy

Foto: ADB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB) Indonesian government's decision to cut subsidy on oil fuel (BBM) to make the state budget healthier.

"The abolition of the subsidy is important and could serve as an example for other countries," said ADB President Takehiko Nakao at a meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla here on Tuesday (13/1).

The abolition of the subsidy will not only make the state budget healthy, but also give room for fiscal policy, Nakao added.

Also present at the meeting were Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, ADB senior adviser Naoya Jinda and ADB director general for Southeast Asia James Nugent.

Nakao pledged ADB assistance for Indonesian development program, saying "Indonesia is important for us and we want to be involved in the country's development."

Jusuf Kalla said now the government has a better budget , but the government also has to keep domestic market stability, adding "Now is the time for us to build infrastructure."

Kalla said so far ADB and Indonesia have maintained good cooperation and the country hopes that ADB would continue to provide assistance.

"Pemerintah tidak mempunyai prioritas khusus, tapi semua sektor menjadi prioritas, terutama di sektor pertanian, transportasi, pembangkit listrik dan perumahan," kata Jusuf Kalla.

He said the government is giving greater focus for maritime development.

"We are not set apart by the sea on the contrary the sea brings us together," he said.

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