Ahad 08 Feb 2015 16:33 WIB

Gulf states rejects Houthis' takeover in Yemen

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AP/Hani Mohammed

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RIYADH -- The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) rejected on Saturday Houthis' takeover in Yemen and warned of steps to protect its members' interests, according to local newspapers.

In a meeting in Riyagh, the GCC said the Gulf nations will continue to stand with the Yemenis, and criticized that the Shiite Houthi group's latest move, which was denounced by the six-nation bloc as a coup, would end the peaceful political process in Yemen.

"This Houthi coup is a dangerous escalation which we reject and is unacceptable. It totally contradicts the spirit of pluralism and coexistence which Yemen has known," the GCC said.

The GCC warned that the latest developments will lead to more violence and bloodshed in Yemen, and called upon international community to take responsibility by denouncing it, especially the UN Security Council.