Kamis 09 Apr 2015 21:00 WIB

Spain arrests 10 over alleged ISIS state links

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: todayonline.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MADRID -- Spanish police arrested 10 people in the Catalonia region on Wednesday suspected of links to the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) group, authorities said, the latest such raids as European nations seek to stop jihadist recruitment.

The operation included raids in the Barcelona and Tarragona areas and those arrested are suspected of crimes "linked to jihadist terrorism, particularly to the Islamic State group," police said in a statement.

Authorities in Europe are seeking to stop young people travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight with the violent extremist group.

Authorities in Spain have raided a number of alleged recruitment cells, most of them in the country's North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla as well as a number in Catalonia.