Ahad 03 May 2015 20:07 WIB

Indonesian product become excellence in China

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian products able to compete with Chinese products in the exhibition of Canton Fair 2015, which took place in Guangzhou. Installation of air-conditioning products (PIR Ducting Air Conditioner) gets the order at most of the various buyer countries such as Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Singapore.

"Australia intends to be an agent with a minimum order of AC ducting containers products for one year," said Director General of National Export Development Ministry of Trade Nus Nuzulia Ishak, in a press release received by Republika on Sunday, May 3..

Another product that is in demand, various types of lights (LED, electrical lamp, and the lamp flourscent), copying products for the wood-based products, as well as flooring and panels made from wood and coconut shells. Nus said, estimates the total potential order obtained by Indonesia in the exhibition amounted to 2.4 million US dollars. This potential partially come from South America, the Middle East, and Africa.

According to Nus, Indonesia's participation in Canton Fair 2015 is one of the concrete steps to achieve the export target of 300 percent over the next five years. Moreover, the Ministry of Trade is encouraging electronics could become one of the leading export commodities.

"China is one of the markets focus of Indonesia to export electronic products and is targeted to reach 2.2 billion US dollars," said Nus.

In 2014, Indonesia's exports of electronic products of China reached 361.6 million US dollars. Whereas in January 2015, reached 26.6 million US dollars, an increase of 0.86 percent.

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