Senin 06 Jul 2015 11:04 WIB

Suicide bomber kills five in NE Nigeria church

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KANO -- A suicide bomber blew himself up on Sunday inside a church in the restive northeastern Nigerian city of Potiskum, killing five worshippers, a police officer and witness told AFP.

The bomber entered the uncompleted Redeemed Christian Church of God at 9:55 am in the Jigawa area on the outskirts of the city in Yobe state and detonated his explosives, killing the worshippers, including a woman and her two children as well as the pastor, they said.

"Four worshippers died instantly while the fifth victim gave up shortly after she was taken to hospital," a police officer involved in the evacuation told AFP.

"The victims included a woman and her two children, the pastor and another worshipper," added the officer who spoke on condition of anonymity.