Jumat 28 Aug 2015 21:58 WIB

DPD visits Indonesian dairy farmers in New Zealand

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Yogi Ardhi/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The delegation of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) visited dairy farmers from Indonesia, grantee of Fonterra scholarship, in New Zealand. The Indonesian Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand said a working visit was held on 24th to 29th August 2015.

Delegation of DPD had opportunity to see the training of Indonesian dairy farmers. The trainers were those who obtained training scholarship at Taratahi Agricultural Training Centre (TATC), Masterton, New Zealand.

The delegation of DPD who visited New Zealand, among others Fabian R Sarundayang (North Sulawesi, chairman of the delegation), AM Fatwa (Jakarta), Jhon Pieris (Maluku), Hardi Slamet Hood (Riau), Rijal Sirait (North Sumatra), Hafid Asrom Riri Damayanti (Bengkulu), Rosti Uli Purba (Riau), Robiatul Adawiyah (NTB), and I Kadek Arimbawa (Bali).

A total of nine farmers and extension workers/veterinarians from Indonesia had a chance to get training in dairy cattle of Fonterra Dairy Scholarship Program.

"Dairy farmers training scholarships were one form of concrete relationship between Indonesia and New Zealand. Indonesia can utilize the expertise of New Zealand in the farm system," said Ambassador Jose.

Indonesian farmers had opportunity to obtain the best practices from New Zealand livestock systems that can be applied in Indonesia in order to increase milk production.

The members of delegation got an explanation directly from Indonesian farmers regarding the training received on a dairy farm in the TATC. Trainees also received theory of dairy cows at Massey University.

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