Kamis 01 Oct 2015 06:15 WIB

Luxemburg offers satellite rental to Indonesia

Foto: VOA

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- The government of Luxemburg has offered satellite renting facility to the Indonesian government for business and security sectors.

"Although Luxemburg is a country with a small territory, it owns 80 satellites. They have offered Indonesia the facility to rent a satellite," Vice President Jusuf Kalla said here on Wednesday.

The vice president held a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Luxemburg, Xavier Bettel, in New York.

According to JK, Indonesia has only four satellites to cover the sprawling country and more satellite facilities were required to accommodate the business and defense sectors.

However, JK said, the Indonesian government has not taken any decision so far about Luxemburg's satellite rental offer.

The Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi, and the Chief of Vice President Secretariat, Mohamad Oemar, accompanied VP Kalla during the meeting with PM Xavier.

Additionally, JK also held a meeting with the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General, Queen Maxima, to discuss the issue of inclusive finance for micro, small, and medium enterprises (SME) in Indonesia.

According to JK, Queen Maxima was delighted with Indonesia's concern about the development of SMEs.

JK was in New York to attend UN General Assembly on 26 September 2015. He also conducted several bilateral meetings with his counterparts from other nations.

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