Kamis 19 Nov 2015 17:25 WIB

Indonesia strengthens relations with PNG

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla held a bilateral meeting with Papua New Guinea (PNG) Prime Minister Peter Charles O'Neill on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Manila, Philippines, to strengthen relations in different sectors.

"The meeting aims to boost direct and border economic cooperation in addition to strengthening our relations with the Pacific country," the vice president said as quoted by the official website of the Secretariat of the Vice President on Thursday.

During the meeting, the two leaders of the neighboring countries agreed to enhance economic relations in the future, particularly in the fields of investment and border trade.

Prime Minister O'Neill also called on the Indonesian government to assist in the implementation of the APEC Summit 2018, which will be hosted by PNG.

"They have sought Indonesia's assistance in the implementation of the APEC Summit 2018 in PNG as we have the experience and are ready to help them," Kalla affirmed.

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