Senin 21 Dec 2015 21:44 WIB

Taliban treated alongside angry soldiers in Afghan hospital

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Reuters

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KABUL -- The injured Taliban fighter stands shackled, with his face covered by a ski mask and wearing a helmet to block out noise so that, for security reasons, he cannot tell where he is.

The insurgent was wounded while battling the Afghan army and is now flanked by soldiers throughout his medical treatment at the nation's largest military hospital.

He is cared for alongside the very men whose comrades he once faced in battle, and the troops are furious about the arrangement at Kabul's Sardar Mohammed Daoud Khan hospital.

"We are treated in the same place, it's very strange but there is nothing I can do," says Mohammed, a soldier with a bullet wound to the leg who is just two rooms away from his enemy.