Kamis 07 Jan 2016 13:25 WIB

Ukraine calls for Coca Cola boycott

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AP

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KIEV -- Ukrainians are calling for a boycott of Coca Cola after the soft drinks giant published a map of Russia including Crimea, whose annexation has been condemned as illegal by the international community.

The map appeared on Russian social networking site VKontakte on 30th December 30 2015, initially without Crimea, Kaliningrad and Kuril islands, with were annexed by Russia in March, 2014, in the wake of an uprising against the pro-Russian government in Kiev.

But after Russian users of the network protested, Coca Cola updated the map to include the annexed regions on 5th January 2016. The company also issued an apology to Ukrainians, and removed the advert entirely.

"Dear members of the community. We sincerely apologise for the situation. Map fixed! We hope you will understand", the company wrote in an accompanying posting, ibtimes reported.