Selasa 01 Mar 2016 12:02 WIB

Sex workers abandon red light districts on shrinking number of visitors


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMPIT -- Many sex workers have left prostitution centers in the district of East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, on shrinking number of visitors.

"They complained about number of visitors getting scarce. Many of them decided to return to their home villages in other regions," head of the district social affairs office Bima Ekawardhana said here on Tuesday.

Apparently East Kotawaringin is not a profitable place for sex business, Bima said.

There are three prostitution centers in East Kotawaringin and the locations are not far from the municipal town of Sampit.

Last year, there were 224 girls at the Pasir Putih prostitution center, but the number has been smaller at 196 last week, he said.

Some of the girls changed their jobs to become cooks, seamstresses, makeup girls, etc. depending on the skills they had from training often given by the social affairs office.

"The number of sex workers at the Parenggean and Tangar prostitution centers had also declined," Bima.

He said obviously men began to see the danger of being infected by the dreaded HIV/AIDs disease as a result of free sex.

Frequent raids by the authorities also help discourage men from going to the prostitution centers, he said.

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