Ahad 24 Apr 2016 16:03 WIB

Turkish border province ramps up security ahead of Merkel visit

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Angela Merkel
Foto: Tony Gentile/Reuters
Angela Merkel

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZIANTEP -- Turkey's border province of Gaziantep ramped up security on Saturday for planned visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU Council President Donald Tusk including a stop at a refugee camp.

Uniformed and plain-clothed police officers patrolled Gaziantep city, capital of the province that borders on Islamic State-controlled Syrian territory and has been hit repeatedly in recent weeks by rocket fire from the other side of the frontier.

Merkel, along with Tusk and European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans, were due to meet Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to discuss the migration crisis after visiting a refugee camp in the town of Nizip.

On Friday, rockets hit Kilis, to the east of Gaziantep along the Syrian border, killing two and injuring four people. Merkel had been expected to visit Kilis last weekend, but later the location and timing of the visit were changed.