Jumat 09 Dec 2016 00:03 WIB

Govt needs to encourage synergy between democracy, religions, and tolerance: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo delivered his speech in the opening of Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) IX at Nusa Dua, Bali on Thursday (12/8).
Foto: Antara/Nyoman Budhiana
President Joko Widodo delivered his speech in the opening of Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) IX at Nusa Dua, Bali on Thursday (12/8).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BADUNG -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened the Ninth Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) at the Bali International Convention Center in Nusa Dua, here, Thursday. 

In his opening remarks, the president mentioned the conflicts and problems still facing the world such as the unresolved occupation of Palestinian land, radicalism and extremism, intolerance, and increasing xenophobia, as well as uncertain economic conditions. "In such situations, we need a sense of optimism - optimism that results from discussions, optimism that could develop from the sharing of views and experiences, optimism that I hope can grow from our presence at this Bali Democracy Forum," he stated.

The theme of the forum this year is "Religion, Democracy, and Pluralism." He considered the forum's theme highly relevant to the present world situation. "Because we have a strong belief that a religion is a blessing from God for the whole world or rahmatan lil alamin; because we are optimistic that democracy brings the will of the people and goodness for human beings; because we realize that tolerance is needed as we are all different," he added.

Jokowi said it is crucial to make sure that democracy works well, supports stability and peace, and brings prosperity to the public. "For that purpose, the government needs to actively encourage synergy between democracy, religions, and tolerance," he stated.

Indonesia has an advantage because it has a long history of plurality. "Indonesia is home to plurality," he added. 

Keynote speakers at this year's event will include former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, former ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan, and Nobel Laureate Ouided Bouchamaoui of Tunisia. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and President of the 71st UN General Assembly Peter Thomson will deliver video messages.

Jokowi was flanked by Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi, former foreign minister Hasan Wirayuda, and Bali Governor Mangku Pastika. Participants of the BDF include ministers and representatives of 94 countries and international organizations.

sumber : Antara
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