Kamis 30 Mar 2017 19:32 WIB

Ukraine tightens security of diplomatic facilities after Polish consulate attack

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ukraine's flag
Foto: euintheus.org
Ukraine's flag

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KIEV -- Ukraine has stepped up security measures around the buildings of foreign diplomatic missions following an attack on Polish consulate in western Volyn region, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday.

"The National Guard and the units of the National Police have increased the number of squads that serve on the routes located near diplomatic facilities," the ministry said in a statement.

Besides, the National Guard has put on alert the reserve forces which provide assistance to units guarding foreign diplomatic missions and offices of international organizations in Ukraine, the statement said.

The measures are aimed at preventing possible terrorist threats, illegal actions or violations of public order near the diplomatic facilities, it said.