Kamis 08 Jun 2017 15:33 WIB

1.000 tons of rice aid from Indonesia arrive in Somalia

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Children in Al Cadaala refugee camp, Mogadishu, Somalia.
Foto: Feisal Omar/Reuters
Children in Al Cadaala refugee camp, Mogadishu, Somalia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOGADISHU -- The ship brought 1.000 tons of rice aid from Indonesian people arrived at Mogadishu Harbor, Somalia on Monday (June 5). The rice were received by Somalian Minister of Humanity and Disaster Mariam Kasim.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Governor of Mogadishu Mohammad Salah and a wellknown Islamic priest in Somalia Syeikh Bashir. Ministry of Humanity was a new ministry to resolve famine.  

A small ceremony held in Port of Mogadishu. Forty containers were taken out from MSC Capri, which sailed from Tanjung Perak Harbor, Surabaya, 35 days ago. 

“Thanks to Allah, we say thank you to Indonesia which has collect the aid for their brothers in Somalia. May Allah repay it all. I would asked the Somalian Famine Committee to distribute the rice to the needs," said Maria Kasim in a press release received by Republika.co.id, Thursday.

In Mogadishu Port, an ACT volunteer Ahyudin stated his gratitude for the aid for Mogadishu. He hoped it could  alleviate the suffering of the people there. 

Director of Global Humanity Response ACT, Bambang Triyono said the aid would be distributed to 200 thousands of people in three provinces in Somalia. About 500 tons would be distributed to Banaadir, 250 to Southwest State, and 250 to Hirsshabelle.

“This is come from the goodness of Indonesian people, please pray Indonesia to be a strong nation, a blessing country by Allah SWT," he said. 

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