Jumat 28 Jul 2017 20:20 WIB

World leaders must unite to liberate Palestine: ICMI

One of the protesters in West Java put the flag of Indonesia and Palestine in the face as solidarity.
Foto: Novrian Arbi/Antara
One of the protesters in West Java put the flag of Indonesia and Palestine in the face as solidarity.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) called on world leaders to soon decide to safeguard Palestinians.

ICMI considers Israel's actions to continue to intimidate the Palestinians.

ICMI Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie, through a press release received by Antara, on Friday stated that the problem should be made a crucial issue not only of Muslims but also of the entire humanity.

"The Baitul Maqdis (Al Aqsa) is the legacy of the ancestors of three religions, including Muslims, Christians, and Jews, as having to fight against the barbarity of the Israeli government," Jimly noted.

Related to the attitude of the government of Indonesia, Jimly remarked that ICMI hopes to be more aggressive and take an initiative to resolve this long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Also read: Indonesia calls for China's support for Al-Aqsa

"I think we can work together with other countries, such as Turkey or Egypt, to take the initiative to mobilize world solidarity to solve the Palestinian problem," he explained.

Jimly argued that a coalition of world leaders can be formed, driven by Indonesia, the United States, and countries from the Middle East and Europe, to resolve conflicts and immediately grant independence to the Palestinians.

"The United States, as a predominantly Protestant Christian country, and Indonesia, as a Muslim majority, as well as other countries, in Europe, America, and the Middle East, can build an 'Abrahamic Coalition' to solve the problems of Israel and the Palestinians," Jimly revealed.

He stated that humanitarian problems in the world, especially relations between Islam and the West such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, could be resolved if world leaders, including US President Donald Trump, act neutral.

"If the Palestinian issue is over, then some humanitarian issues, especially the relationship between Islam and the West, will be settled. The government in the West today should try to be neutral. Do not take sides again with Israel in this conflict," he stressed.

The Israeli and Palestinian conflict is now heating up again, following the closure of the gate of Al Aqsa Mosque by Israel troops in the aftermath of an attack by Palestinian youth.

As a result, clashes were inevitable after the Israeli army banned the elderly in Palestine from entering the Old City of East Jerusalem.

sumber : Antara
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