Kamis 14 Feb 2013 20:38 WIB

Ulamas consider sex reassigment surgery is forbidden

Rep: Agus Raharjo/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Anna Grodzka, Poland's first transsexual lawmaker, comes out of her party's office in Poland's parliamentary building in Warsaw February 8, 2013. Polish lawmakers blocked a transsexual colleague from becoming deputy speaker of parliament after her nominati
Foto: Reuters/Kacper Pempel
Anna Grodzka, Poland's first transsexual lawmaker, comes out of her party's office in Poland's parliamentary building in Warsaw February 8, 2013. Polish lawmakers blocked a transsexual colleague from becoming deputy speaker of parliament after her nominati

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) issues an edict saying that  sex reassigment surgery (SRS) is forbidden in Islam. 

"Nobody can change his/her gender. Even a male who has female characteristic influenced by his environment, he is not allowed to have the SRS," Secretary of MUI Edict Commission, Asrorun Niam, said on Tuesday.

Islam prohibits sex reassigment surgery regardless to the court's permission. But, if a person has conducted the surgery, he/she must follow the Islamic law for his/her initial gender. If he is a man before the surgery, then this trans sexual person cannot marry other man and treated as a man in Islam.  


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