Rabu 26 Aug 2015 15:35 WIB

13,600 special pilgrims facing visa delays

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AP/Hassan Ammar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- There has been no single visa for special pilgrims that were completed. Director General of Hajj and Umrah Organizers of Ministry Religious Affairs, Abdul Djamil, stated that visa settlement process for special pilgrims highly depended on the Special Hajj travel (PIHK).

"PIHK will enter the pilgrims data to e-hajj application,” said Abdul, in Jakarta, Tuesday (25/8).

He explained that currently visas for special pilgrims are in the process of completion. PIHK will be the one who signed contract with Muassasah Saudi Arabia. So that they will enter the name of hotel, transportation that will be used, and Armina in e-hajj application.

Ministry Religious Affairs only helped the activation process of e-hajj. After PIHK have finished inputting the data and obtain a letter of approval from Muassasah Saudi Arabia then the visa process can be carried out.

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