Kamis 17 Sep 2015 06:10 WIB

86 Indonesian pilgrims die in Saudi Arabia before wukuf

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi/ca

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MECCA -- Hajj series in Mecca Al Mukaromah will begin with a procession of Wukuf, Thursday (23/9) next week. A total of 86 pilgrims from Indonesia died eight days before Wukuf.

Regional Health Liaison of Work Area of Mecca, Ramon Andrias, said the death toll was recorded as many as 83 people. These number of pilgrims did not include three pilgrims from Indonesia who died of the fall of crane in Masjidil Haram, Mecca, Friday (11/9).

"Only eight crane victims of Indonesian pilgrims who entered to our system," he said, as reported by Republika journalists, Ratna Puspita, Wednesday (16/9).

Ramon said that the eight pilgrims entered the system because there were a death certificate (certificate of death/COD). Three other pilgrims were still in the process of issuance of COD by a local hospital.

The number of pilgrims who died in Mecca were 55 people, including those who died of the fall of crane. Meanwhile, Indonesian pilgrims who died in Medina were 29 people and two people died in Jeddah.

Outside the crane accidents, heart attacks became the biggest death cases. Another cause was respiratory problems.

"A total of 53 pilgrims died due to heart attack," he added.

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