Rabu 30 Sep 2015 14:19 WIB

Indonesia shall reform hajj management, parliament says

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mina incident that happened on Thursday (24/9) in Road 204, should be a momentum to reform management of the pilgrimage. So that the state could give guarantees to each pilgrim.

Vice Chairman of Commission VIII of House of Representatives, Sodik Mudjahid, said that it was the right time to reform hajj management in Indonesia. Hajj management reform could be initiated by Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH).

Sodik explained, according to the laws of Hajj, the state must give three aspects of guarantees to Indonesian pilgrims, namely guidance, excellent service, and security protection.

For decades, Ministry of Religious Affairs just focused on one side who never finished, such as transportation service, boarding, and catering.

"House of Representatives urged the government to activate BPKH no later than October this year. Next year, all aspects of finance and service of the pilgrims can be performed by BPKH," said Sodik to Republika.co.id, Wednesday (30/9).

BPKH could focus on providing excellent service to the pilgrims. So that the Ministry could focus on two aspects that are no less important, namely guidance and protection.

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