Selasa 27 Oct 2015 12:14 WIB

UIN Malang held islamic international conference

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Damanhuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang will hold International Conference on Islamic Scholars (ICIS) on 23rd to 25th November 2015 to introduce Islam in Indonesia.

According to Rector of UIN Malang, Prof Dr Mudjia Rahardjo, Indonesia has a religious diversity but is still able to keep peace in the country.

"Current world is restive and upheaval from religion issue. They see Indonesia with diversity still can be peaceful," said Mudjia, Jakarta, Monday (26/10).

Mudjia also hoped this international conference can introduce Islam to the world. This event was a collaboration between German, UIN Malang, and an organization belonging to Hasyim Muzadi, namely ICIS.

"We invite representatives of countries that its students are currently studying in UIN Malang. It aims to show Islamic world that we taught to them," Mudjia added.

Furthermore, Mudjia told that ICIS conference was intended to strengthen relationship between religion and state. Vice President Jusuf Kalla, he continued, has supported the event.

"He considers that this is a very good idea, because he always ask why Islam in Indonesia can get along well, be peaceful despite Indonesia has different religions," said Mudjia.

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