Rabu 22 Jun 2016 21:50 WIB

District 12 offers special Eid collection

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
District 12
Foto: MGROL 68
District 12

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ramadan has entered the 15th day, imperceptibly Eid al-Fitr will soon arrive. All preparations have begun moving and soon people are looking for new outfits.

District 12 is the perfect place for customers who are hunting for Eid clothes. Moreover, District 12 is a Muslim fashion boutique in collaboration with 13 Muslim fashion brand in Indonesia.

Located in in f (x) Sudirman Floor 4, District 12 yesterday (21/6) celebrates the first anniversary, at the same time launched a special collection of Ramadan wear. Each brand featuring four views of the collection of Ramadan and Eid were mostly white.

"Every brand that is in District 12 each has distinctive characters and all of them are Muslim brands that has a good reputation and loyal customers.  So hopefully we can move forward together "said Lulu Elhasbu, one of the designers who met in f (X) Sudirman.

Brands that are members of the District 12 are: Elhasbu by Lulu Elhasbu, House of Nabila by Nalia Rifika and Nabila Hatifa, Kaimma Malabis by Rimma Bawazier, Kara Indonesia by Diana Nurlina, Maima Indonesia by Irmasari Joeda and Winda Arora, Miss Marina by Dian Marina, Nadjani by Nadya Nizar, Novierock by beautiful Novianti, Nonizakiah by Noni zakiah, RA by Restu Anggraini, Ranihatta by Maharani Hatta, SimplyMii by Mimi Alysa and Monel with 5 owner is Minna Mekkarina, Irma Mariam, Titin Sutiarsih, Lina Rooslina, and Dessy Mayasari.

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