Rabu 14 Sep 2016 22:03 WIB

Indonesian presenter Rina Nose wears hijab

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Rina Nose with her grey headscraf
Foto: @rinanose16
Rina Nose with her grey headscraf

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian presenter and comedian Rina Nose has decided to wear hijab coinciding with the Eid al-Adha celebration. Rina said she has received great guidance from the Al Mighty.

Rina informed her decision on her Instagram account @rinanose16. She uploaded a photo of herself wearing the grey headscarf. Rina was standing, leaning on the handrail in a mall. At the same time, Rina also described her strength while she got guidance.

This was her post on her Instagram account:

With the name of Allah (God)...Strength of great guidance...Restart...Not too late.



Question...The fragility of life...Love...Power of mind...Search for science...

The journey of life...The possibility...The never ending, until there's no more possibility (dead).

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