Kamis 06 Oct 2016 02:49 WIB

Trusting Dimas Kanjeng "miracle", Hasyim: Our society is sick

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi claimed he has the ability, a miracle to multiply money and valuables. Thousands of people believed in him. The police has caught him in allegedly murder and deception case.
Foto: youtube
Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi claimed he has the ability, a miracle to multiply money and valuables. Thousands of people believed in him. The police has caught him in allegedly murder and deception case.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian cleric Hasyim Muzadi asked the people to be rational in judging  claimed miracle of Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi. If Dimas Kanjeng really has the ability to multiply money, he would not borrow any dime to the people. "Why did not he use his own and multiply it," Hasyim said retoric.

Therefore, he concluded Dimas Kanjeng ability is not rational and there is no justification about it in the Islamic teachings. Then why thousands of people believed him? Hasyim said there was something wrong about Indonesian people condition. "If they already know it's impossible to do so, then it's our society that is sick," the former Chief of PB Nahdatul Ulama stressed.

Meanwhile, social expert Musni Umar said Indonesian civilization laden with mystical. All class of society believed in mystique. "They put mystical believe over ratio," he said.

These tendency is used by people like Dimas Kanjeng. He used religion to masked his deception. "His followers are becoming his "marketing staff", they promoted Dimas Kanjeng "miracle"," Musni said.

Dimas Kanjeng was arrested over allegedly murder two of his followers. Beside that, the police also received Rp25 billion deception reports. Dimas deceived thousands of people from different provinces.

Chairperson Padepokan Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi Foundation, Marwah Daud, said she still support and has no doubt in her spiritual leader ability. She asked collegues to let her continue the journey. "There are many secret that is not appropriate to revealed," she said.

Claimed to know Marwah Daud as a high intelligence quotient person, Hasyim Muzadi asked her to be back to the right path. "The intelligence and cleverness are not everything. Because psychiatric condition also affect intelligence and cleverness," he said.

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