Selasa 30 May 2017 12:07 WIB

1.950 people have not paid off hajj pilgrim cost

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Hajj pilgrims (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Hajj pilgrims (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The repayment period of Hajj cost for regular pilgrim would end by Friday (June 2). Up to the closing of today’s settlement on Monday (May 29) at 15.00 pm, 12,716 people had made the repayment.  

"Three days before the closing of the second round of Hajj cost repayment, there are 1,950 or 13.80 percents of quotas have not paid off the cost. The number is hoped to decline after the repayment of the proposed pilgrims to fill the second to last round of repayment on Friday,” said The Head of Subdirectorate of Registration Noer Aliya Fitra in Jakarta on Monday (May 29). 

The first round of repayment was conducted during April 10 to May 5. It remained 14,129 quotas unpaid. Therefore, the related institution opened the second round of repayment during May 22 to June 2. 

"Recently there were 202,050 regular pilgrim had paid the cost. If the second round was end and there were still quotas, it would be filled by the reserve pilgrims who paid the cost in the first round,” said Nafit. 

Minister of Religious Affair’s Regulation No. 75 in 2017 on Hajj Quotas Decision 1438 H regulated that the Indonesian hajj quota were 221 thousands, consisted of 204 thousands of regular quotas and 17 thousands of special quotas. The regular hajj quotas consisted of 202,518 hajj quotas and 1,482 regional staffs. 

The directorate opened repayment for the pilgrims on the waiting list. It took 10 percent quotas or 10,193 people. There were 4.349 people paid the cost before the first round repayment was closed. 

Regular repayment was conducted during the working days between 08.00 am to 15.00 pm of western Indonesian time, 09.00 am to 16.00 pm of central Indonesian time and 10.00 am to 17.00 pm of eastern Indonesian time. 

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