Kamis 19 Oct 2017 14:11 WIB

Al Azhar alumnus have strategic role: Observer

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsyi, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM --The International Conference and Multaqa IV Egypt Al Azhar alumni at West Nusa Tenggara Islamic Center was started from Wednesday (October 18) to Friday (October 20). 

Observer of Middle East, Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri said that event became very important and strategic as a respond to the current phenomenon.

He observed, nowadays two extreme ideologies have appeared. 

According to him, there were left-wing and right-wing extremists. The left-wing extremists talked about liberalism and might do things that extremely belittle religion. 

On the other hand, right-wing extremist very likely to stamped people who share different opinion as 'kafir' (unbeliever) nor misguided.

"To minimize the impact of the two extremists, Al Azhar alumnus should emerge to provide a moderate view of Islam, which is not only needed at the national sphere, but also international level," Kiram said on Wednesday (October 18).

In his opinion, Al Azhar alumnus have the capacity to to address these phenomena. Moreover, Al Azhar is a well respected institution, with hundreds of thousands of alumni scattered throughout the world.

Some Al Azhar alumnus also have important roles for their respective countries. 

In Indonesia, he exampled, former president Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was an Al Azhar graduate. In addition, there were also Professor Quraish Shihab and West Nusa Tenggara Governor TGH Muhammad Zainul who is also Al Azhar graduate.

"Their role as Al Azhar alumnus are really great to colour moderate Islam in Indonesia," Kiram added.

According to him, this was in line with what was said by the deputy chairman of the Al Azhar International Alumni Association Abdul Fadhil el-Qoushi during the opening remarks of the conference. 

The former Egyptian minister of Waqf mentioned, Al Azhar alumnus must appear to present a positive and soothing face of Islam.

Kiram added, West Nusa Tenggara as the host of conference became a new breakthrough. Previously, the event always held in Jakarta since the implementation of the first conference until the third.

West Nusa Tenggara was considered as a representation of moderate Islamic models. 

He said, when visiting West Nusa Tenggara, people can feel the experience of Islamic teachings that emphasize of tolerance. Although the population of the province, 95 percent are Muslim, but interfaith tolerance runs in harmony.

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