Selasa 26 Dec 2017 14:17 WIB

Ministry invites students from abroad to study in madrasah

Rep: Muhyiddin, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Students of MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supri
Students of MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) to invite the best students from abroad to study at one of Islamic educational institutions, namely madrasah. 

Director of KSKK Madrasah at Kemenag, Ahmad Umar said, it will be the government's effort to improve the quality and competitiveness of madrasah students.

He explained, the best students from abroad will be invited to study at MAN Insan Cendikia, the Islamic education institution at the level of Senior High School boarding. MAN Insan Cendikia located in various places throughout Indonesia and fostered by Kemenag.

"The purpose of inviting the best students from abroad to study at MAN Insan Cendekia, among others, is to transform the culture and science between nations," Ahmad said to

Indonesia regularly sends their best students abroad. Because of that, Ahmad said it is time for our country to invite overseas students to Indonesia. He believed, it will restore Indonesia's image as a country with the best Islamic education institutions.

Ahmad added, Kemenag has issued policies and programs to improve the quality and competitiveness of madrasah students. Kemenag has facilitated the participation of madrasah students in every international competition event, and olympics competition event abroad.

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