Selasa 10 Apr 2018 07:30 WIB

Indonesia to promote three Muslim brotherhood concept

The three Muslim brotherhood concept to be discussed at international forum.

The Secretary of the Steering Committee for High-level Consultation Muslim Scholars and Ulema on Moderate Islam, Helmy Faishal
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
The Secretary of the Steering Committee for High-level Consultation Muslim Scholars and Ulema on Moderate Islam, Helmy Faishal

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Secretary of the Steering Committee for High-level Consultation Muslim Scholars and Ulema on Moderate Islam, Helmy Faishal, said Indonesia will promote three concepts of brotherhood (ukhuwah) at the event to be held in Bogor, West Java Province on May 1-3, 2018.

"There is a concept we call 'tri-ukhuwah', namely, 'ukhuwah Islamiyah', 'ukhuwah wathoniyah, and 'ukhuwah basyariyah'. Whatever the differences among Muslims, there is an umbrella of 'ukhuwah' that can solve every problem," Helmy said in a press conference here on Monday.

The concept of "ukhuwah Islamiyah" (Islamic brotherhood) is a brotherhood among Muslims that embraces all differences to prevent disputes and conflicts.

The concept of "ukhuwah wathoniyah" (national brotherhood) is a fraternity in the bonds of nationality among Muslims who have the same nationality.

Meanwhile, "ukhuwah basyariyah" (humanitarian brotherhood) is a fraternal brotherhood of mankind, without seeing the differences in nationality, even religion.

"We need to refresh about 'ukhuwah' to understand the nature of diversity. There are so many small differences in some Middle Eastern countries that have led to enormous conflict," he said.

The High-level Consultation of Muslim Scholars and Ulema on "Wasatiyat Islam" (moderate Islam) will be attended by about 100 Muslim scholars and Ulema from around the world.

Several international scholars who have confirmed to attend include the Great Sheikh of Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, Prof Ahmad Muhammad Ath-Thayyib, and the President of the Muslim Society Peace Promotion Forum, Prof Abdullah bin Bayyah, as well as the President of the Union of International Muslim Intellectuals.

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