Sabtu 16 Jun 2018 11:46 WIB

Idul Fitri gathering to strengthen unity: Aher

June 13, 2018 was the last day of Aher's term as West Java governor.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
West Java Governor period 2013-2018 Ahmad Herwayan (Aher) delivers Eid al-Fitr sermon at Gasibu Square, Bandung, Friday (June 15).
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
West Java Governor period 2013-2018 Ahmad Herwayan (Aher) delivers Eid al-Fitr sermon at Gasibu Square, Bandung, Friday (June 15).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- West Java Governor period 2013-2018 Ahmad Heryawan, better known as Aher, has stated that a gathering for Eid al-Fitr, or Idul Fitri, will strengthen the sense of brotherhood and unity in the Indonesian nation. Delivering his Idul Fitri sermon at the Gasibu Square in Bandung City on Friday, Aher emphasized the importance of maintaining friendship among West Java's people.

He said West Java's people are known for their hospitality, care, and sense of mutual assistance. "A sense of togetherness has long existed in the entire community of West Java. Hence, it is no wonder that the difficulties faced by villages can be solved well by fellow villagers," Aher noted.

According to Aher, offering mutual assistance, or "gotong royong," which begins with forging relationships has since long been practiced. It has become part of the day-to-day lives of all people in West Java.

However, he noted that the spirit of gotong royong and togetherness are facing a threat along with technological advancements that are not balanced and wisely used. The emergence of various applications and ease of technology has frequently made members of the community insensitive to the surroundings and often follow news that spread hatred.

"Quite often what appears on social media is not a relationship but hostility and division. This is where we, as Muslims, should adopt an approach to not follow the throng in breaking up the ties of friendship and togetherness," he noted.

At the end of his sermon, the outgoing West Java governor thanked the people of the province, especially on June 13, 2018, as it was the last day of his term as governor.

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