Rabu 25 Jul 2018 18:45 WIB

Indonesia needs 300 thousand preachers, clerics

DMI hopes more preachers, clerics emerged from young generation.

Rep: Muhammad Hafil, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) deputy chairman, Syafruddin delivers his speech during DMI Grand Sermon at Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Wednesday (July 25).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) deputy chairman, Syafruddin delivers his speech during DMI Grand Sermon at Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Wednesday (July 25).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) deputy chairman, Syafruddin said Indonesia needed around 300 thousand preachers and cleric to preach and teach at mosques across the country. DMI recorded at least 800 thousand mosques available in Indonesia

“Compared to the number of mosques, DMI calculates around 300 thousand preachers and clerics needed to meet the needs,” said Syafruddin who is also the deputy chief of National Police when delivering his speech in the grand sermon of DMI at Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta on Wednesday (July 25).

Syafruddin said mosques in Indonesia must have qualified and classy preachers and clerics. The mosques needed them to recite the Quran and teach the congregation.

According to him, mosques in Indonesia also needed ustaz from young generation. Syafruddin expected that Al Azhar University Egypt alumni to be preacher and ustaz in Indonesia.

“We hope there are new clerics from Egypt, Morocco and we have recorded there are about 500-800 people per year graduated from the universities,” Syafruddin added.

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