Rabu 11 Jan 2012 18:35 WIB

Sukabumi Hospital is Ready to Tackle Seasonal Diseases

Rep: Riga Nurul Iman/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI -- R Syamsudi SH Hospital in Sukabumi, West Java, commits to tackle the possible increasing cases of infectious and weather related diseases. Some seasonal diseases, diarrhea for instance, spread more easily during heavy rainy season. Data obtained by the hospital shows 158 diarrhea cases occur during December 2011. 

“Recently we are still collecting data for January,” said Suherman, the General Director of R Syamsudin Hospital.

Suherman declares the hospital’s readiness to contain the diseases during the recent extreme weather.  Local government in charge in health issues also states its readiness to tackle the possible spread of contagious diseases.

“Particularly, the Ministry of Health is warning us to stay alert,” said Ani Haritsah, in charge for diseases control and environmental health in Sukabumi. Diarrhea, dengue fever, and influenza are among the list of possible diseases to be occurred this season.  Ani cited, her institution had launched a campaign to educate the people about sanitation and hygiene. 

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