Senin 06 Feb 2012 18:33 WIB

Turkey: Relationships with Indonesia strengthen

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Prof Dr Orhan Kural says, cooperation between Turkey and Indonesia based on equality, mutual respect, and learn from each other (illustration).
Prof Dr Orhan Kural says, cooperation between Turkey and Indonesia based on equality, mutual respect, and learn from each other (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN – Turkish Honorary Consulate General for Medan, Rahmat Shah, said, the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Turkey is more productive, particularly in education, social, economy, and culture. “The active and productive relationship between Indonesia and Turkey should be maintained,” he said in Medan.

In education, many schools funded by Turkish societies and institutions support the facilities and infrastructures of education in Indonesia. Indonesian human resources successfully achieve the international award through several education institutions governed by Turkish consular in Indonesia.

He admits, the intensity of relationship between both countries in post-tsunami disaster in Aceh is increased in social and culture development. “Both societies can learn a lot from the bilateral relationship,” he said. He added, both countries have built cooperation from the basis of equality, mutual respect, and learn from each other.

The Director of The Travelers Club of Turkey, Prof Dr Orhan Kural, agrees. When he visited Medan recently, he said the relationship between Turkish and Indonesian society and institution has maintained well. And it should be strengthen under the spirit of togetherness and respect to differences.

"Good understanding of differences will help building the spirit of togetherness and respect the differences among nations," he said. He said that this principle constituted a wise principle in taking a step to develop better life and overcome conflict in the world. Kural said the Travelers Club of Turkey had the mission to develop international friendship and solidarity. 


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