Kamis 09 Feb 2012 21:22 WIB

Wow… Civet coffee attracts Belgians

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Civet coffee or kopi luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world (illustration).
Foto: hk.lifestyleasia.com
Civet coffee or kopi luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – Thousands of Brussels Holiday Fair (BHF) visitors smelt the flavor of coffee spreading in the exhibition. It attracted many visitors to come to Indonesian pavilion. They patiently queued in the Indonesian coffee stall. Yet, the coffee is quite unusual -or known in local name, kopi luwak- since it has been through civet’s digestive system. Awww…!

Okay, the coffee may not be for all of us. The Indonesian Ambassador for Belgium, Luxemburg, and European Union, Ari Havas Oegroseno, said, in the five day of fair, the Indonesian Civet Coffee stall is always full with visitors. They enjoyed a cup of civet coffee with a slice of Indonesian layers cake, called Lapis Legit.

The espresso-size cup is specially made from carton and decorated with ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ logo. Many visitors asked for this Wonderful Indonesia cup as a souvenir.

The Belgians that have not tasted the civet coffee generally can identify the flavor of civet coffee. They said it has distinct flavor. The taste is not bitter like other coffee. For them, the making process of civet coffee makes it an exclusive product. 

According to http://www.mostinterestingfacts.com, kopi luwak is a type of coffee that come from coffee beans that have been eaten and passed through the digestive tract of animals called luwak (mongoose) or civet. This coffee come from Sumatra, Indonesia. This famous coffee has reached fame through overseas.



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