Jumat 24 Feb 2012 17:15 WIB

UN praises Indonesian smart cars in Lebanon

Rep: S Bowo Pribadi/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Mobil Pintar (ilustrasi)
Foto: www.presidenri.go.id
Mobil Pintar (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – “Indonesia Pintar” (Smart Indonesia –Ed) program of Solidarity of Wives of the United Cabinet Ministers (SIKIB), not only reach all around Indonesian but also to Lebanon. The program sent two “smart cars” –among 148 units launched- to Lebanon as a part of UN peace mission in the country. Now the UN praises Indonesian effort to help Lebanese children. 

“Two smart cars are sent to Lebanon managed by Indonesian navy that join the UN peace mission in the region,” the chair of SIKIB, Okke Hatta Rajasa, said on Friday.

Smart car program is an educational project that launched in 2005. It aims to help children enjoying playful learning. Each smart car is equipped with books, interactive compact disc, play stage, computer, and play arena. 

Indonesia Pintar not only provides smart car, but also smart ship and smart motorcycle. At least 404 units of smart motorcycles and three smart ships have dispatched nationally. “The two ships are distributed to Mahakam and Kapuas River Kalimantan while another one sent to Maluku,” she added. 

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