Kamis 26 Jul 2012 20:32 WIB

Indonesia: Israel settlements hamper peace process

Rep: Lingga Permesti/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A young Jewish settler rides a bicycle in front of the West Bank settlement of Susiya June 24, 2012. Susiya the settlement enjoys well-watered lawns, humming electricity, and the protection of a mighty state. One rocky hill away, Susiya the Palestinian vil
Foto: Reuters/Baz Ratner
A young Jewish settler rides a bicycle in front of the West Bank settlement of Susiya June 24, 2012. Susiya the settlement enjoys well-watered lawns, humming electricity, and the protection of a mighty state. One rocky hill away, Susiya the Palestinian vil

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - The building of Israel in occupied Palestinian territory is the main obstacle towards peace process in Middle East. Indonesia urged Israel government to disassemble and stop the settlement building in the region, including in East Jerusalem, the Indonesian Representative to the United Nations (UN), Desra Percaya, said on Wednesday on the open debate on the Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question.

"Israel has breached the resolutions of Security Council on the moratorium of the building of housing and illegal separated wall in West Bank, which are contradicted with advisory opinion of International Court," Percaya said, cited in a press release.

There was no other way for Israel than to stop the building if they wanted to reach peace, he continued. This problem, he explained, was the key problem in the negotiation between Israel and Palestine apart from other important issues such as borders, security, refugees, and the status of Jerusalem.

"Unless Israel changes its policy on housing and stops the annexation of Palestinian, it is impossible to reach progress in peace negotiation," he said.




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