Rabu 31 Oct 2012 20:38 WIB

Africa, potential market for Indonesian commodities

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Map of African continent
Foto: africaguide.com
Map of African continent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG - Countries in Africa become potential market for Indonesian commodities amid the sluggish world market. However, the potency must be counterbalanced with economic diplomacy, Director for African Affairs at Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lasro Simbolon said.

"The investment and trade of Indonesia are surplus upon Africa. Yet, it must be scaled up because the market is potential with its natural resources and good growth," he said on Thursday.

Indonesia seeks the exports of infrastructure products, such as gen-set, steel frame, steel wire, electrical cable, windows and doors, ceramic tiles, and lamps, to African market. Automotive sector in Africa also attracts Indonesia. Indonesia is interested to supply the needs of service station, particularly spare parts.

According to the data, trade activity between Indonesia and Africa in the last three years is increasing. On 2009, Indonesian trade to Africa was 4 billion USD. It was increasing significantly on 2010, which was around 6 billion USD. Meanwhile, the total trade in 2011 was 9.58 billion USD.

Simbolon said the main targets of Indonesian trade to Africa were Nigeria, Tanzania, Mauritania, and countries in South Africa.




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