Selasa 12 Feb 2013 21:25 WIB

Analyst: Islamic system boosts real sector

Rep: Qommarria Rostanti/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Al Ikhlas Mosque in Jakarta is the first mosque in the world with ISO 9001:2008. Islamic tourism is expected to boost islamic business entity in tourism sector. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Al Ikhlas Mosque in Jakarta is the first mosque in the world with ISO 9001:2008. Islamic tourism is expected to boost islamic business entity in tourism sector. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Islamic economic analyst, Syakir Sula, predicts real sector in Indonesia will grow rapidly with the contribution of Islamic system. Indonesia, as the country with the biggest Muslim population, is projected to become the world's seventh largest economy.

"Investors from Middle East and Europe see Indonesia as a potential place," he said. However, the uncertain political condition in Indonesia ahead 2014 General Election can be an obstacle. "I hope it doesn't halt the investors," he added.

National Islamic Board of Indonesian Council of Ulama (DSN MUI) and Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also make a move to develop Indonesian real sector and dig tourism potency in Indonesia using Islamic system. 

"It is a good opportunity for entrepreneurs, particularly hotel business," he said. Indonesia only has two Islamic hotel; Sofyan Hotel in Jakarta and Natama Hotel in Padang Sidempuan, North Sumatera. Many conventional hotels also apply Islamic principle even though they do not acclaim themselves as Islamic hotel.

The Head of DSN MUI, Ma'ruf Amin, said Islamic tourism was intended to boost Islamic business entity in tourism sector. Non-Muslim countries, such as Japan, Thailand, and China, have implemented the system.





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