Rabu 10 Apr 2013 06:26 WIB

Indonesia, China sign agreement on Intellectual Property Rights

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
  Indonesian police confiscate illegal coppies of DVDs in Jakarta. (illustration)
Indonesian police confiscate illegal coppies of DVDs in Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  BEIJING - Indonesia and China sign an agreement on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on Tuesday as a part of strategic partnership ratified on April 2005. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in Beijing by Minister of Laws and Human Rights, Amir Syarifuddin, and Chinese Commissioner of Intellectual Rights Protection, Tian Lipu.

Minister Amir Syarifuddin said the trade cooperation between Indonesia and China was sky rocketing after the signing of strategic partnership and ASEAN-China free trade agreement (FTA). "The increasing of trade sector demands the cooperation of intellectual rights protection," he said on Tuesday.

The hopeful cooperation is an important component to build other cooperation between Indonesia and China. He said that China could inspire Indonesia to build a better system of IPRs protection.

Tian Lipi agreed by saying that intellectual rights protection would not only give benefit to Indonesia-China, but also contribute to the prosperity of the region. "Indonesia as one of the biggest countries in the region has an important role in the framework of ASEAN-China cooperation," he said.


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