Senin 27 May 2013 02:19 WIB

Indonesian students win award in Paris for 'green floating clinic'

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Team of Indonesian students use solar cell as energy source for their innovation,
Team of Indonesian students use solar cell as energy source for their innovation,

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA - Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) through its innovation 'Green Floating Clinic' became the third winner at 'Go Green in the City (GGITC) East Asia 2013' held by Scheider Electric. The team earned this achievement after competing with other Asian countries, such as Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, and Taiwan.

"Together with teams from Singapore and Philippines, Indonesia will go to worldwide competition in Paris on June 27 to 28 this year," a student of Electrical Engineering at ITS, Priyo Edy Wibowo said on Sunday. The Indonesian team consists of Priyo Edy Wibowo, Kharisma Bani Adan, Ahmad Faisal Haq and Ria Sasmita Utami.

Wibowo explained that the concept of 'Green Floating Clinic' was inspired by floating clinic in West Kutai, East Kalimantan. The clinic was a vital facility there, but it used fossil fuels which is still difficult to get. The team offered its idea to  use solar cell to meet the electricity needs at the clinic.

Other champions, such as Singapore team developed the concept of Smart Air-con Control System. The winners would compete with the best teams from around the world, such as Brazil, China, France, Germany, United States, Turkey, Mexico, India, Russia and Poland. Good luck! 

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