Ahad 02 Jun 2013 21:18 WIB

Indonesia and Sweden cooperate on teakwood

Rep: Nur Hasan Murtiaji/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Teak forest (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Oky Lukmansyah
Teak forest (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan has witnessed the signing of cooperation between Svenk Skogs Certifering (SSC) of Swedia and Perhutani, an Indonesian state owned company, this week. 

"This cooperation is important for teak wood of community forestry to be marketed in Sweden," Hasan said on Sunday.

The teakwood offered by Indonsia are from farmers and Perhutani acts as a foster company. While SSC is a Swedish agency tasked to issue certificate on sustainable forest management and publishing history of teak wood products. The teakwood history includes its seeding, planting, maintenance associated with agroforestry and sylvopastura, harvesting, transporting, processing and  marketing. 

According to Hasan, the ccoperatioan will help teakwood farmers to get competitive market for their products. Good forestry management is also expected to decline deforestation and lower carbon emissions.

Sweden is well known as "the Forest Kingdom", because it dedicates its 23 million hectares of 35 million hectares for forest. Timber reserve or standing stock reached 3,000 million cubic meters and annual alowable cut or sustainable cut at 85 million to 90 million cubic feet per year. Forestry products in Sweden is expected to contribute three percent of gross domestic product or about 110 billion euro. 

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