Kamis 04 Jul 2013 00:00 WIB

Germany helps Indonesia to restore Raden Saleh's paintings

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A painting by Raden Saleh with tittle: The capture of Diponegoro Prince
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
A painting by Raden Saleh with tittle: The capture of Diponegoro Prince

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG - Government of the Federal Republic of Germany in cooperation with Hasyim Djojohadikusumo Foundation helps to restore 17 paintings of the maestro, Raden Saleh some state palaces. Raden Saleh is one of the best known painters from Indonesia and a pioneer of modern Indonesian art.

"A number of paintings to be restored is located at Siring palace in Yogyakarta and Bogor palace in West Java. Condition of some Raden Saleh's paintings are very worrying," Deputy Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs, Wiendu Nuryanti said on Thursday.

Raden Saleh's paintings at some state palaces will be taken to Bogor palace to be restored. Perhaps, the restoration will be completed in three weeks.

Two restorators from Germany has came since last month on June 28, 2013 and has been starting to work. Half of the restoration process can be witnessed by media and students. Raden Saleh's paintings corresponded with nineteenth-century romanticism was very popular in Europe at that time.







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